You know what?

Affiliate marketers piss me off.

Too much, too soon?

Well, buckle up my friend.

Here's some "trewth" coming your way.

Something that no push-button fuego inducing flip of a PLR Biz-In-A-Box can save you from.

If you are trying to "make money online", and you are looking for answers from the "gurus", then you are being lied to.

On a regular basis.


Don't get me wrong!

Affiliate marketing is the BEST way to make money online.

Affiliate marketing is the QUICKEST way to make money online.


Affiliate marketing is also the HARDEST way to make money online.

And no one...

I repeat...

NO ONE is telling you this.


Do you want to make money online?

If you answered "NO"... then please go away...

You are in the wrong place.

If you answered "YES"... you qualify for this knowledge.


I want to share with you the 3 MARKETING TRUTHS that I've learned over the years, and I've learned the "hard way"...


It's far better to do the work ONCE and get paid MANY TIMES rather than keep doing the work every single time you need to make money.

Why is this important?

Because many affiliate marketers will tell you, train you, and try to convince you that the best way to make affiliate commissions is by promoting internet marketing launches...


The average IM launch lasts from 3 to 7 days and then disappears.

The window for making any money are those 3 to 7 days.

After that, it's like the store closes down and everyone goes home.

So you might spend days to weeks preparing to promote an IM launch, and after the launch is over, you better hope you made some money.

Because the window to earn is closed baby.

And all that work is no longer relevant.

All the work you did is now promoting something that most people don't want to buy because it's not at "launch pricing."

So now, if you need to make more money, you gotta find another launch coming up.

And then you gotta spend days to weeks preparing again.

And then you gotta hope you make money on that next launch promotion.

That's a LOT of work.  Over and over again.  Heck, I'm tired just talking about it.


The BEST way to become a successful marketer online is to find things that people want to buy all the time... and then PROMOTE the shit out of them.

This immediately rules out any and all products that have limited launches in the IM niche.

Bad IM launches.  Bad...

You want to find EVERGREEN products.

No, they are NOT green trees.

What they are is products that people buy ALL the TIME.

Two prime examples are weight loss programs and "how to fix your relationship" products.

There are two benefits from this system.

The first is that you ONLY have to do the work ONCE because the window to make sales can last months or even years.

If it's a product that people buy all the time, then once you have your marketing in place, it doesn't matter when they find it.  They'll ALWAYS be able to BUY it.

Which leads us to the most important "trewth"...


Find enough EVERGREEN products to promote, set up enough systems that help promote them, and you are one step closer to "making money in your sleep."

It sounds like bullshit, but it's true.

Successfully promoting EVERGREEN products (which basically means whatever you're doing actually gets people to buy the product) will eventually lead to the land of PASSIVE INCOME.

And that's the PROMISED LAND.

You eventually want to be able to have enough systems out there that are "working on their own."

Affiliate Marketing is NOT magic.

Affiliate Marketing is hard work.

But, once you've put in the initial work and have systems to promote EVERGREEN products in place, you wait.

And then one day, days later, weeks later, you are out with your family, maybe having lunch with them.

And then your cell phone beeps, and you see it's a notification from PayPal saying you just earned some money from an affiliate commission.

That, my friends, is the magic.

And that doesn't happen, on a regular basis, overnight.

It takes work.

And that's why I created ViddyClick...

Because with ViddyClick, I've done the hard work for you.

I've created click videos (short 60 to 90 second videos that people will actually watch) to get people hooked, a landing site with related articles on the topic where you can send potential buyers to after they watch your click video, and a review video that explains the product in full so you can "seal the deal."

And from the landing site potential buyers can click on your affiliate link and go to the product sales page.

And if (or when) they buy, you are making that affiliate commission.

I've put together all the content.

And I've done it for 5 EVERGREEN products from Clickbank, one of the biggest and best-known marketing sites out there.

And with these videos, you can use YouTube to drive traffic to your landing sites.

Because let's be honest, according to, YouTube is the #2 visited site in the world.

People are actually spending more and more time watching YouTube just for entertainment.

And when people search for something, for like, say, a way to lose weight fast, they will more likely search on YouTube rather than Google.

And if you have videos on YouTube that people can FIND when they SEARCH, the whole ViddyClick process can begin.

The 4 Steps to ViddyClick

1)  A person finds your click video on YouTube and watches it.  It's under 90 seconds long, so they'll probably watch the whole thing.

2)  If the person is interested, they click on the link you've put in the description, and they are taken to your landing site.

3) Once on the landing site, they can read more articles OR they can watch the full review video about the product.

4)  If they are ready to buy, they click on the link on your landing site (your affiliate link) and they are taken to the sales page for the product.

And if (or when) they buy the product, YOU make the commission.


I think by now you get the idea.

But please understand, this is NOT an overnight process.

You will probably NOT make money "hand over fist" initially.

But by using the ViddyClick process, using all the content you get when you buy ViddyClick, you will be well on your way to creating those passive income streams that everyone is talking about.

And someday, soon, you may even start making money "in your sleep."

Fingers crossed.

So please, click the BUY BUTTON on this page and

BUY ViddyClick today.

You won't regret it.

You know what?

Affiliate marketers piss me off.

Too much, too soon?

Well, buckle up my friend.

Here's some "trewth" coming your way.

Something that no push-button fuego inducing flip of a PLR Biz-In-A-Box can save you from.

If you are trying to "make money online", and you are looking for answers from the "gurus", then you are being lied to.

On a regular basis.


Don't get me wrong!

Affiliate marketing is the BEST way to make money online.

Affiliate marketing is the QUICKEST way to make money online.


Affiliate marketing is also the HARDEST way to make money online.

And no one...

I repeat...

NO ONE is telling you this.


Do you want to make money online?

If you answered "NO"... then please go away...

You are in the wrong place.

If you answered "YES"... you qualify for this knowledge.


I want to share with you the 3 MARKETING TRUTHS that I've learned over the years, and I've learned the "hard way"...


It's far better to do the work ONCE and get paid MANY TIMES rather than keep doing the work every single time you need to make money.

Why is this important?

Because many affiliate marketers will tell you, train you, and try to convince you that the best way to make affiliate commissions is by promoting internet marketing launches...


The average IM launch lasts from 3 to 7 days and then disappears.

The window for making any money are those 3 to 7 days.

After that, it's like the store closes down and everyone goes home.

So you might spend days to weeks preparing to promote an IM launch, and after the launch is over, you better hope you made some money.

Because the window to earn is closed baby.

And all that work is no longer relevant.

All the work you did is now promoting something that most people don't want to buy because it's not at "launch pricing."

So now, if you need to make more money, you gotta find another launch coming up.

And then you gotta spend days to weeks preparing again.

And then you gotta hope you make money on that next launch promotion.

That's a LOT of work.  Over and over again.  Heck, I'm tired just talking about it.


The BEST way to become a successful marketer online is to find things that people want to buy all the time... and then PROMOTE the shit out of them.

This immediately rules out any and all products that have limited launches in the IM niche.

Bad IM launches.  Bad...

You want to find EVERGREEN products.

No, they are NOT green trees.

What they are is products that people buy ALL the TIME.

Two prime examples are weight loss programs and "how to fix your relationship" products.

There are two benefits from this system.

The first is that you ONLY have to do the work ONCE because the window to make sales can last months or even years.

If it's a product that people buy all the time, then once you have your marketing in place, it doesn't matter when they find it.  They'll ALWAYS be able to BUY it.

Which leads us to the most important "trewth"...


Find enough EVERGREEN products to promote, set up enough systems that help promote them, and you are one step closer to "making money in your sleep."

It sounds like bullshit, but it's true.

Successfully promoting EVERGREEN products (which basically means whatever you're doing actually gets people to buy the product) will eventually lead to the land of PASSIVE INCOME.

And that's the PROMISED LAND.

You eventually want to be able to have enough systems out there that are "working on their own."

Affiliate Marketing is NOT magic.

Affiliate Marketing is hard work.

But, once you've put in the initial work and have systems to promote EVERGREEN products in place, you wait.

And then one day, days later, weeks later, you are out with your family, maybe having lunch with them.

And then your cell phone beeps, and you see it's a notification from PayPal saying you just earned some money from an affiliate commission.

That, my friends, is the magic.

And that doesn't happen, on a regular basis, overnight.

It takes work.

And that's why I created ViddyClick...

Because with ViddyClick, I've done the hard work for you.

I've created click videos (short 60 to 90 second videos that people will actually watch) to get people hooked, a landing site with related articles on the topic where you can send potential buyers to after they watch your click video, and a review video that explains the product in full so you can "seal the deal."

And from the landing site potential buyers can click on your affiliate link and go to the product sales page.

And if (or when) they buy, you are making that affiliate commission.

I've put together all the content.

And I've done it for 5 EVERGREEN products from Clickbank, one of the biggest and best-known marketing sites out there.

And with these videos, you can use YouTube to drive traffic to your landing sites.

Because let's be honest, according to, YouTube is the #2 visited site in the world.

People are actually spending more and more time watching YouTube just for entertainment.

And when people search for something, for like, say, a way to lose weight fast, they will more likely search on YouTube rather than Google.

And if you have videos on YouTube that people can FIND when they SEARCH, the whole ViddyClick process can begin.

The 4 Steps to ViddyClick

1)  A person finds your click video on YouTube and watches it.  It's under 90 seconds long, so they'll probably watch the whole thing.

2)  If the person is interested, they click on the link you've put in the description, and they are taken to your landing site.

3) Once on the landing site, they can read more articles OR they can watch the full review video about the product.

4)  If they are ready to buy, they click on the link on your landing site (your affiliate link) and they are taken to the sales page for the product.

And if (or when) they buy the product, YOU make the commission.


I think by now you get the idea.

But please understand, this is NOT an overnight process.

You will probably NOT make money "hand over fist" initially.

But by using the ViddyClick process, using all the content you get when you buy ViddyClick, you will be well on your way to creating those passive income streams that everyone is talking about.

And someday, soon, you may even start making money "in your sleep."

Fingers crossed.

So please, click the BUY BUTTON on this page and

BUY ViddyClick today.

You won't regret it.

Learn how a 50 year-old ex-FedEx Driver

figured out the "SECRET SAUCE" to Affiliate Marketing...

And finally started making MORE Affiliate Commissions... Every Day!

Learn how a 50 year-old ex-FedEx Driver

figured out the "SECRET SAUCE" to Affiliate Marketing...

And finally started making MORE Affiliate Commissions... Every Day!

This is NOT for You

if you are a  Newbie Marketer or an Online Marketer who doesn't currently have  at least a basic Marketing Funnel. 

This is NOT for You

if you are a  Newbie Marketer or an Online Marketer who doesn't currently have  at least a basic Marketing Funnel. 


Hurry, Offer Available for a Limited Time Only!


Hurry, Offer Available for a Limited Time Only!

Copyright 2018 - All rights reserved -

Copyright 2018 - All rights reserved -

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


If everyone is buying the same pack of 5 videos, won't we be penalized by YouTube for "duplicate content" since everyone will be uploading the same videos?

ANSWER:  Here's the truth about these videos.  First, before you even upload these to YouTube (or other video sharing sites) you MUST brand them with your LOGO and your WEBSITE address.  This alone will make your videos "unique" since you've added content to the video.


I have no idea how to use a video editor.  How will I brand my videos?

ANSWER: Well, there a number of "free" or cheap solutions for simple video editing.  Just google "freee video editor" and you will get many options.   Beyond that, you can always spend a little money on Fiverr and have someone do it for you as well.


What if I want to have more variations of these videos?  How can I do that?

ANSWER: Well, I've taken care of that for you.  After you purchase this 5-pack of videos, you will have an opportunity to buy the first upsell which will give you a video toolkit where I will provide extra video intros, video outros, and live actor clips.  With these "building blocks" you can then build unique variations of each of the 5 review videos.  That should be a really good start for you, don't you think?


What affiliate platform is being used to promote the products these videos are reviewing?

ANSWER:  All these videos promote products that are in the Clickbank Marketplace.  Clickbank is a GREAT platform because the products there cover so many different evergreen niches and Clickbank itself is very easy to sign up for.  In fact, Clickbank is one of the best platforms for newbies to start on since it's so easy to sign up and get started promoting so many different high-converting evergreen niches.


What kind of money can I earn if I use these videos for my affiliate marketing?

ANSWER: Well, by law I can't promise that you will make any money at all from these videos.  However, I can say that by using these videos you will improve your chances of converting viewers of your video into people who click on your link and go to the salespage of the product your are promoting.  At that point it's up to them to convert the customer, but by sending more people to their salespage, you will increase your chances of making a commission.


If everyone is buying the same pack of 5 videos, won't we be penalized by YouTube for "duplicate content" since everyone will be uploading the same videos?

ANSWER:  Here's the truth about these videos.  First, before you even upload these to YouTube (or other video sharing sites) you MUST brand them with your LOGO and your WEBSITE address.  This alone will make your videos "unique" since you've added content to the video.


I have no idea how to use a video editor.  How will I brand my videos?

ANSWER: Well, there a number of "free" or cheap solutions for simple video editing.  Just google "freee video editor" and you will get many options.   Beyond that, you can always spend a little money on Fiverr and have someone do it for you as well.


What if I want to have more variations of these videos?  How can I do that?

ANSWER: Well, I've taken care of that for you.  After you purchase this 5-pack of videos, you will have an opportunity to buy the first upsell which will give you a video toolkit where I will provide extra video intros, video outros, and live actor clips.  With these "building blocks" you can then build unique variations of each of the 5 review videos.  That should be a really good start for you, don't you think?


What affiliate platform is being used to promote the products these videos are reviewing?

ANSWER:  All these videos promote products that are in the Clickbank Marketplace.  Clickbank is a GREAT platform because the products there cover so many different evergreen niches and Clickbank itself is very easy to sign up for.  In fact, Clickbank is one of the best platforms for newbies to start on since it's so easy to sign up and get started promoting so many different high-converting evergreen niches.


What kind of money can I earn if I use these videos for my affiliate marketing?

ANSWER: Well, by law I can't promise that you will make any money at all from these videos.  However, I can say that by using these videos you will improve your chances of converting viewers of your video into people who click on your link and go to the salespage of the product your are promoting.  At that point it's up to them to convert the customer, but by sending more people to their salespage, you will increase your chances of making a commission.


Here are the 5 Clickbank Products You Will Get ViddyClick Funnels For:

Here are the 5 Clickbank Products You Will Get ViddyClick Funnels For:


2) His Secret Obsession

3)  Ted's Woodworking

4)  Unlock Your Hip Flexors

5) Red Tea Detox


2) His Secret Obsession

3)  Ted's Woodworking

4)  Unlock Your Hip Flexors

5) Red Tea Detox

Commissions for all of these products typically start at 50%, with some products even higher!  Don't miss out!

Commissions for all of these products typically start at 50%, with some products even higher!  Don't miss out!

This product is proudly created by:

This product is proudly created by:

Steve Chase

Steve Chase



Due to the high quality of the video and landing site content and the low cost of purchase, I will NOT BE ACCEPTING REFUND REQUESTS for this product.

Please watch all videos on this page and make sure you completely understand what it is you are purchasing before doing so. Thanks for understanding.

Due to the high quality of the video and landing site content and the low cost of purchase, I will NOT BE ACCEPTING REFUND REQUESTS for this product.

Please watch all videos on this page and make sure you completely understand what it is you are purchasing before doing so. Thanks for understanding.

Want to know how much you can EARN by selling these products?

Want to know how much you can EARN by selling these products?

SOLVES the biggest problem for affiliate marketers

Helps ALL NEWBIES play with the "big boys"

Answers the big "content" question

Helps you FINALLY make regular affiliate commissions

Does all the "heavy-lifting" for you

SOLVES the biggest problem for affiliate marketers

Helps ALL NEWBIES play with the "big boys"

Answers the big "content" question

Helps you FINALLY make regular affiliate commissions

Does all the "heavy-lifting" for you

Product #1:

Product #1:

You can make, on average, $29.29/sale

You can make, on average, $29.29/sale


Product #2: His Secret Obsession

Product #2: His Secret Obsession

You can make, on average, $48.47/sale

You can make, on average, $48.47/sale

Product #3: Ted's Woodworking

Product #3: Ted's Woodworking

You can make, on average, $56.45/sale

You can make, on average, $56.45/sale

Product #4: Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Product #4: Unlock Your Hip Flexors

You can make, on average, $37.02/sale

You can make, on average, $37.02/sale

Product #5: Red Tea Detox

Product #5: Red Tea Detox

You can make, on average, $31.45/sale

You can make, on average, $31.45/sale

For those who'd rather read... here you go!

The Story of ViddyClick

For those who'd rather read... here you go!

The Story of ViddyClick

Want To See All the Content In One(1) of the ViddyClick Funnels?

Want To See All the Content In One(1) of the ViddyClick Funnels?

Of course you do!

Each ViddyClick Funnel


1 - Click Video in 720p (1280x720) with Music Track

Of course you do!

Each ViddyClick Funnel


1 - Click Video in 720p (1280x720) with Music Track

1 - Click Video in Square Format (720x720) with Music Track

1 - Click Video in Square Format (720x720) with Music Track

1 - Click Video in 720p (1280x720) with Voice-Over & Music

1 - Click Video in 720p (1280x720) with Voice-Over & Music

1 - Review Video in 720p (1280x720) with Voice-Over & Music

1 - Review Video in 720p (1280x720) with Voice-Over & Music

1 - Multi-Page Landing Site with Review Video on Front Page (HTML)

1 - Multi-Page Landing Site with Review Video on Front Page (HTML)

And that's it!

EACH ViddyClick funnel comes with:

--> 3 Click videos

--> 1 Review Video

--> 1 Landing Site

And you get that for EACH of the ViddyClick funnels.

So with 5 ViddyClick funnels, you get 20 videos AND 5 landing sites!

And you get ALL THAT with your PURCHASE TODAY!

And that's it!

EACH ViddyClick funnel comes with:

--> 3 Click videos

--> 1 Review Video

--> 1 Landing Site

And you get that for EACH of the ViddyClick funnels.

So with 5 ViddyClick funnels, you get 20 videos AND 5 landing sites!

And you get ALL THAT with your PURCHASE TODAY!

So please, click the BUY BUTTON on this page

and BUY ViddyClick today.

So please, click the BUY BUTTON on this page

and BUY ViddyClick today.

Here's A Question For You...

Here's A Question For You...







And that's WHY I created ViddyClick!

And that's WHY I created ViddyClick!

I've Put Together ALL the CONTENT for YOU!

I've Put Together ALL the CONTENT for YOU!

The 4 Steps to ViddyClick

The 4 Steps to ViddyClick

And if (or WHEN) they buy the product, You Make The Commission.


And if (or WHEN) they buy the product, You Make The Commission.


Let's take a look INSIDE ViddyClick and SEE WHAT YOU WILL GET for One Low Price!

Let's take a look INSIDE ViddyClick and SEE WHAT YOU WILL GET for One Low Price!

ViddyClick is just bursting with content!

EACH ViddyClick Funnel Includes:

  • 3 Click Videos
  • 1 Review Video
  • 1 Multi-Page HTML Landing Site

ViddyClick is just bursting with content!

EACH ViddyClick Funnel Includes:

  • 3 Click Videos
  • 1 Review Video
  • 1 Multi-Page HTML Landing Site